Past life regression is the process of going back in time to one’s previous existence, while under hypnosis. Past life regression, also known as PLR fist became known in the case of Bridley Murphy in 1952. Virginia Tighe while under hypnosis reported a vision of a 19th century Irish woman named Bridley Murphy.
Further investigations still have not determined if there ever was a 19th century Irish woman named Bridley Murphy. It is fact however, that Ms. Tighe as a child lived across the street from a girl named Bridlie Murphy Corkell who was of Irish decent. Many believe what Ms. Tighe envisioned as visions of a past life were actually memories from her childhood. Could this be where the factious Bridley Murphy came into play? Many people were amazed at Ms. Tighes hypnotic encounters. Skeptics claim they were not encounters at all; they were just simply evidence of a confused memory or fraud on a count of the hypnotist.
Many people have a developed belief in reincarnation, the rebirth of ones soul in another body. The pure unknown draws millions to past life regression. PLR therapists believe that PLR is healing and helpful for their patients. Past life regression therapy is supposed to enable people to connect with their former selves, while unlocking the secrets of the past.
Others would state that PLR is more dangerous for the patients then helpful. PLR encourages patients to create delusions in their minds, of what they believe to be this past existence. In reality, however these so called “visions” are simply memories of the past. They are memories of the patients own past that they have purposely chosen to block out of their minds. PLR is all fueled by pure imagery, or possibly the hypnotist’s suggestions.
The past life regression therapy begins by being put into an unconscious or relaxed state, through hypnosis. This can be done in a private session, through audio tapes, or in a small group. People gain better results from PLR therapy when it is done under the watchful eye of a hypno-therapist. While in this state of hypnosis the patient is asked several questions to reveal their identity. Afterwards, they begin to speak of what they believe to be their past lives. The whole process takes about one hour. Therapists say, while under this state of hypnosis their clients begin to make amends with their past. The process known as PLR gained its credibility because some advocates had possessed legitimate credentials, while performing this procedure.
A 1976 study found that out of 100 people forty percent described new identities while under past life regression therapy. Biblically it is said that everyone on earth had a veil placed in front of our eyes to shield us from the past. It states that each of us had a pre-mortal existence before we were born. Then why is it through past life regression that people envision themselves in factious beings? Further investigations on past life regression have yet to constitute to the therapy as being true or not. Regardless of the fact, past life regression therapy is here to stay. Skeptics believe it is truly a thing of our imaginations. But, could past life regression bear some truth? You be the judge.